World Workplace is your time to learn, stretch, explore and prepare; but also to celebrate and unwind with colleagues. Your annual conference and expo provides the ideal atmosphere for making connections that can last a lifetime.
Networking is one of the top attendee benefits. The people you meet are individuals you can talk to — fellow members, industry leaders, enthusiastic students and facility professionals just like you.
This year, your week in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, concludes with a special new event. “After parties” are the latest conference trend. Why? Following a full schedule of tours, sessions, speakers and product demonstrations, an after party gives you a chance to kick back and enjoy an evening of relaxed conversation and downtime before traveling home.
A perfect end to your World Workplace experience, THE After Party will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 5. No ballgowns, no tuxedos, no presentations — just great food and drink, fun music, good friends, a cool vibe, and our thanks for supporting your association and your profession as a member, an attendee and an active participant in the advancement of FM.
As a member, you benefit from a US$290 savings off the nonmember price for both Full Event registration categories. Get ready to create your own success — register for World Workplace today »
And if you need help convincing your boss – here is a link to 5 Great Reasons for your Entire Team to Attend World Workplace. Convince Your Boss